Monday, June 20, 2016

Research and Development at Manav Rachna: Transforming Young Minds

We live in a knowledge-driven economy, where Research and Development (R&D) has become the key to sustainable economic growth, creating in the process, a competitive edge. Across an 18-year journey with many a milestones to credit, Manav Rachna Educational Institutions (MREI) have taken on the challenge of yielding applicable knowledge and path breaking Research and Development initiatives. Students at MREI are constantly motivated to generate new and revolutionary ideas.
Their out-of-the-box ideas have found expression through a wide array of products like the Smart Skull (that sends accident notification to the nearest hospital and the patient’s relatives), SwasthyaSanjivani (an affordable and automatic on-the-spot blood and urine testing system), Smart Bin (producing social messages when trash is thrown inside), Tractorobot (a robot controlled Tractor) or even the First Urban Diesel car with a mileage of 123 km/l. The Manav Rachna International University, a constituent of MREI was conferred with the ASSOCHAM Education Excellence Awards 2014 for the Best Private University Promoting Research in recognition of its outstanding contribution in R&D activities and subsequently with the ASSOCHAM National Educational Excellence Award for the ‘Best University serving Social Cause’ in the year 2015. 
MREI’s over 3000 research publications in International and National Journals & Conferences bears testimony to its commitment towards quality education.

The Group’s over 242 Patents (filed/granted) are a result of their ceaseless zeal and dedication at the Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre.

The patents filed at Manav Rachna reflect both utility and innovative skill. Whether it is a Battery Operated Milk Warmer (Patent application no. 719/DEL/2014), an Electronic Suggestion Cum Complaint Box (Patent application no. 720/DEL/2014), a Pole Climbing Robot (Patent application no. 715/DEL/2014), a Modified Shear Cutter (Patent application no.716/DEL/2014) or even a Powered Rickshaw which is battery operated and charged through pedaling (Patent application no. 718/DEL/2014), the sheer range of innovations is mind blowing.

The Gesture Controlled Music Player (also known as sensor piano) is another innovative project developed by students of Manav Rachna. The concept of music in engineering  is intriguing, bridging the gaps between technical and creative worlds. The Wireless MIDI Controller is a digital adaptation of a theremin. The theremin is a musical instrument that changes its note value output with reference to the players hand and the controller. The Wireless MIDI Controller is capableof switching between different scales, root notes, octaves and MIDI Channels. Furthermore it is als capable of functioning as an effects unit by setting the appropriate MIDI CC Numbers.
Students, Researchers and Faculty with a passion for innovation have worked round the clock at the Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre (MRIIC) to come up with unique inventions such as the GPS enabled educating system where lectures can be delivered in different geographical locations through automatic translation (Patent application no. 721/DEL/2014), a Saviour Suit fitted with sensors emitting ultrasonic rays (Patent application no. 1082/DEL/2014) and improved dual powered two wheelers (Patent application no. 1184/DEL/2007).
Manav Rachna Educational Institutions has always had a strong belief in Research and Innovation. “Our Students and Faculty at the Institute are encouraged to bring their pioneering ideas to the forefront. Quite a large number of innovations are underway for which patents would be filed in due course. Our students are extremely happy to enjoy the facilities at the Innovation and Incubation Centre and it has been noticed that this trend is quite contagious, inspiring newcomers to take to innovations in a big way.
MREI students have been participating in prestigious International/National Project Competitions, winning numerous awards. These include Accenture Innovation Jockey, Microsoft Apps for Office Challenge, Best New Concept Car BAJA SAE India, Auto Mall Expo, Formula SAE India, Imagine Cup, Intel India Embedded Challenge, Formula Student Germany, Shell-Eco, SUPRA SAE India and MICROSOFT IMAGINE CUP. Keeping up with the tradition, three teams from MREI have emerged out as winners under all the three categories - Games Category, Innovation Category and World Citizenship Category at the National Finals of the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2015.Microsoft’s Imagine Cup is the world’s most prestigious student technology competition, bringing together student innovators from all over the world.

The teams which have made it big at the Microsoft are Project Manouve developed by Team Eyeluminati which has scored the first position under the Innovation Category. Project Tydee developed by Team Aether has been awarded the first Position under the gaming category while Project UltraFy developed by Team Visioners stood third in the world citizenship category.

Tydeeisa windows mobile game that will help in educating citizens of all age on the basics of garbage segregation and waste management. It will motivate people in a fun way to make them understand the importance of a clean ecosystem and how a cleaner environment will lead to improvement in their lives directly or indirectly.

Incubation and Enterprise:
A number of companies are in various stages of incubation at the Manav Rachna Innovation & Incubation Centre. Business plans have been developed for these enterprises and soon these entities will enter the start-up phase. Examples are ‘International Engineers Federation’, ‘Technoplanet Labs’, ‘Parallax Games’ and ‘Self-Reliant Foundation’.

An Entrepreneurship Development Cell was incorporated in the year 2010 for the engineering and management genres. MREI is a member of NEN (National Entrepreneurship Network) and trains its faculty members for taking courses on entrepreneurship.
A three months Professional certificate programme in association with FSIA (Faridabad Small Industry Association) and IamSMEof India is in progress at the MREI for professionals and entrepreneurs. Most of the students of this programme are now running their own ventures.
Many student enterprises have been launched and successfully run in the last few years.  These include:
1.       Cricket Gear (started in 2013): An e-commerce portal for cricket bats
Student’s Name: AnubhavSukhija (MBA- Final Year)

·         Customized product
·         Turnover per month - 1.5 to 2.0 Lac
·         International Network: Canada, Australia, London

2.       Mewari Bikers (Started in 2012): Customized Bikes
Student’s Name: KaranveerChundawat (Pass-out in 2014)
Revenue Earned: Rs. 14 Lakhs in 1.5 years

·         Design Pattern produced
·         Six Chopper
·         Bobbprs
·         One Racer Café
·         7 Vintage Bikes

3.       Name of Venture : Professional Car Spa
Student Name: Shivang Gupta and ShishirSodhia (MBA first year student)
Revenue generated: 30000 – 50000 per month

                A Service Enterprise that providesthe following facilities to Car Owners:
·         Door step service
·         Dry-cleaning of Cars
·         Daily basis exterior and interior cleaning
·         Plastic Parts and Dash Board Cleaning
·         Wind Shield Treatment
·         Tyre Polishing
·         Pick & Drop for High Pressure Washing & Vacuuming

Training Program for students: The Manav Rachna Innovation and Incubation Centre is actively involved in training engineers and has conducted several training programmes in the past. The areas in which training programmes have been given include automobile engineering, mechanical engineering, welding, biotechnology, environment, robotics, App making and game development etc. Several training programmes are in the pipeline and this activity will be a major activity in the times to come. Training and short term courses in the area of Robotics & Electronics are being provided in association with various reputed private companies. These cover the areas of APP & Game Development and Ethical Hacking. The Electronics Workshop/Training domains include: Microcontrollers (8051, PIC, AVR), Arduino, VLSI Design using EDA tools, PCB Fabrication, FPGA based digital system design, Embedded C, VHDL/Verilog and Embedded system design using ARM Processors.


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